Character progression - DM allowing for a remake

Hi everyone! We just had our first session of this new campaign and I really felt like my character was underwhelming overall and didn't enjoy it too much, and I'm now looking for help to make him more interesting and enjoyable to play!

Here's the context!

We roll for ability scores, gold and HP, and started at lvl 5. My character is a Shadar Kai Barbarian, Path of the Wild Magic. Everytime he rages, he rather enters a combat awakening, and one of his many tattoos light up depending on what power the Raven Queen desires to grant him (Wild Magic table rolls basically).

For stats, I rolled a 9-12-15-15-15-15. Which makes for a lot of odd numbers here and there. I raised my STR by 2 and my CON by 1 with Tasha's and took a half feat (slasher, with a Glaive) to round up my STR to 18.

I rolled abismal hit die with two 2's, giving me a total of 45hp at lvl 5. This now makes our drakewarden have more AC, more HP, and seems like more damage than me (at least so it seemed after our first session), leaving me feeling quite irrelevant in the party. I must say, this will be a combat heavy campaign.

I had a chat with my wonderful DM and he agreed that the most important part is to like my character, so he'd allow me to move things around if it would make me want to stay as this character (he also said I could create a new one too). I can move stats, change feats, etc.

So here's where I'd need your help! Are there any ideas that come to mind to you to make my character more enjoyable in the future? I also do expect us to reach lvl 6 (milestone based) next session, so it would be great if I had an idea as to what the character progression could look like. I feel like I don't have many tools, which I guess was to be expected with Barbs... but I do like the concept of a non-bulky-raging Barb and would like to give this a try! Thank you all in advance for your wonderful ideas :)