Your conscience is now free
I’ve practiced law for 30 years. I’m a USMC combat vet. I’m a father. There’s great risk in what I’m about to say. But those who earned this Constitutional order for us paid the highest possible costs. Stop your whining.
HOWEVER … given the week’s events, you should consider yourself morally free of any constraint to obey any law(s) in the effort to save the USA (and maybe the world). You are hereby absolved.
Having said that, … be aware, be wise, and pick your fights with thoughtful consideration. The Domestic Enemies of the US Constitution will show you no mercy.
As lawfully as possible, it is time to be DISRUPTIVE. I don’t mean to cease peaceful protest. That is critical too. But it’s time to force the Enemy to go extreme, to lash out, while it’s still possible for Middle America to be shocked and offended while the frogs can still jump from the hot water.