For pointing out there are no such things as miracle babies, and society has no obligation to fund your children, or the consequences of your sexual misadventures?

My wife’s niece broke up with her husband after 12 months of marriage because (for one if many reasons) they apparently found out they couldn’t have a baby.

In the proceeding three months, she has started dating an ex and has now discovered she is unexpectedly pregnant.

The family are delighted, she is declaring she is raising the child as a single parent and everyone is saying how wonderful this is and it’s a miracle.

My wife informed me, and my response was to point out that it wasn’t a miracle, but rather a statistical improbability but still nature, and nature, as the great Ian Malcolm points out, finds a way.

My wife thinks I am being an asshole for not celebrating this new life. All I can forsee though (knowing the individual involved) is major drama, another latchkey kid dragged up on welfare, from another broken home with no male role model, an absent parent and all the associated issues that brings on the child and society.

AITA for pointing out the sexual misadventures of her niece leading to a future burden on society is not a happy miracle?