G’s Delays
I literally have no one else to talk about this with so I’m just gonna rant here 😂 I am actually glad that Adelaide is not discussing or making content around G’s delays. I think it’s pretty obvious something is going on but I’m glad at least that small portion of his life is being kept off of socials. Although I do think that she’s just not talking about it because of her own vanity, I’m still really glad he gets a sliver of privacy.
It’s really no one’s business what his delays are and I really hope she continues to not share this bit of medical info. I think when it comes to the helmet, his “cradle cap”, the “torticollis”, etc, these are all things that are fairly common(ish) in infants so she has no problem sharing them. Delays however are seen in a more negative light (which they shouldn’t) and I think she’s way too vain to post about them. So at least he’s been given a sliver of dignity for now!