AIO or is my husband expecting too much?
Hi this is a throwaway. Husband is a heavy reddit user. In fact good chance he will see this anyway. Oh well.
Apologies there is a lot of texts.
Husband (35M) and I (34F) have been together 13 years, married 7 years and have 2 kids (3M and 8month M).
I work EMS a weird schedule. Sundays 7am to 6pm Tuesdays 8am to 11pm Thursday 11pm to Friday 6pm
I used to work Monday overnight but traded it for Sunday days after second baby. I tried to get rid of Thursday overnight but was unable.
My shift is finally changing to all days in about a month.
Husband had been unemployed since I went back from maternity leave in November. He quit his job he was miserable. I supported that. He is finally working a bit from home part time, but the financial stress has taken a toll. Plus he is a slob and I end up doing about 85% of the housework. I am also primary parent when I am home. Needless to say I have a lot of resentment built up. I'm sure he would disagree with me taking more on but it is a fact. Even his parents notice it and tell me all the time to ask them for help because they see his slacks.
I just feel like he hates our kids. He ships them off to his parents when I work unless the weather is bad. There are other issues but he is always angry and yelling. It feels hostile in my house. The 3 year old gets scared and says we need to throw daddy away.
I suspected PPD and he started meds and therapy but very low dose and somehow his therapy appointments went from every week to biweekly to once a month. It is not enough. He gets mad when I suggest he go more.
Idk what to do. AIO? Am I crazy? Is this the end of my marriage???