Peppers Story
First shes abandoned at an orphanage and just sits there playing with her blocks looking absolutely miserable and afraid in the corner every day. Elsa adopts her and takes her to be a part of her Freak Show where her first and only friend La Petite eventually dies. Then theres the sweet meeting and wedding with her soul mate Salty but of course he dies and leaves her not long after also.
Then we have the heartbreaking scene where Elsa leaves her with Peppers sister because she thinks it will be better for her to be with family and will perish with loneliness and then what happens?
She slaves away making cocktails for her sister and taking care of her sisters baby only to have her sisters lecherous coconut of a husband repeatedly rape her. They then frame pepper for murdering her beloved baby brother all because Mrs. ¨I Always Wanted To have Kids¨ wants to go dancing like its 1939.
Bitch youre 50 years old not 19 anymore. Getting mad at Pepper for not knowing how to change the TV channel even though its 1952 and she literally lived in a tent. Stupid cow
So then the Fred & Rosemary West wannabes and their infanticidal asses just ditch her in a mental asylum. Where she is submitted to electro shock and caning just for being Pepper. Where she sees a picture of her beloved Elsa on the cover of Time magazine while stocking the shelves of the asylum alone and isnt even mad. If Elsa only knew...
So she is finally abducted by aliens and returned to the asylum just take care of an axe murderers baby - which is also then taken from her so she spends the last of her days playing Candy Land and then dies
I know its not real but god it fucks me up