Where does your anxiety come from?

I’ve always found myself to be an overthinker and worrying about anything and everything 24/7, but February 2024 all of my anxiety came to a head for me. Unfortunately, my biggest symptom is facial/neck flushing/botching which turned into anxiety of my anxiety.

I always felt my face get warm when embarrassed or having to go out of my comfort zone, to talk to someone new etc.. but now the redness goes extreme for every reason possible. I think it’s triggered this time of year from the unsteady/cold weather and my skin is sensitive so it’s easily triggered. Even when I trust the people I’m around (family/best friends) or I stay inside or I’m doing my normal routine I can’t control it and stop it. When I feel the symptoms coming on I panic more making it more red. I find this redness very unattractive and gross and I fear others will to so I think that’s where this comes from, a lack of self love and worrying what people think of me despite telling myself I don’t…

I fear the future a lot right now. Getting red in school where I have no excuse for the redness (weather/work), having a meeting at work and having to sit and talk to people makes me nervous… will I always have this to worry about and deal with for the rest of my life?

I guess right now I’m feeling very tired and defeated and I’m curious if anyone else has this symptom or anyone can share their story and tips?