Has anyone successfully broken a lease?

I lost control of my drinking and was heading down a dark path. I'm currently on my 9th day sober and I'm fighting for my life with everything I have. My apartment is a great source of stress and anxiety. My upstairs neighbor stomps all day, freaking hardly ever sits still, wakes me up at 7am to stomping and all sorts of noise. It's established that we do not like each other, he sometimes will bang stuff and I'll do it at 7am but he stomps harder. The ppl below me used to blast music and shake my walls until I said I would call the police next time. Everyone slams doors and are loud.

It is so fucking difficult to keep my sobriety when my home itself does not feel safe. I'm currently in a 1 bedroom apartment but I found new trailer homes, a 2 bedroom for $75 more a month. A whole place to myself with no nonsense. Is there any way I can get out of here, my current lease ends in May and I already signed a 1 year extension. Idk if I can make it another year. Is there any way to escape? I need out desperately