Why are Australians so…. Cold?

I can’t put my finger on it, but I find that Australians constantly sound frustrated, or upset. Wether I’m just asking for help at a store or someone is asking me for help with something, I’m making an appointment at the doctors, or I’m with a friend, there’s just this vibe I get, like they’ve been inconvenienced.

Is this a cultural thing?

I thought it was just me, I somehow manage to upset everyone i interact with, but I also see it when I’m with a friend who’s doing the same thing, similar response.

Today for example I went to donate some goods at a local charity. We moved and have replaced some of our furniture and white goods, and I asked if they take this or that and the lady I interacted with just left me feeling very uneasy. The whole time it was like I was a burden. It’s jot like the thjngs i had were old or poor quality, it was all in excellent condition and name brand stuff, but it just left me not wanting to go back there.

Obviously anonymous people on the internet can’t speak for unknown people regarding unknown circumstances, but I’m hoping this might strike a cord or sound familiar to some one and maybe you can yea slate this behaviour for me?