Dad, will a job relocation hurt the kids?

I've been offered an opportunity to make a really big step in my career into a management role. I currently make $145,000 a yr, this job would pay $200,000. Id be working for a different division of the same company I currently work for.

The catch is, I'd have to relocate nearly 1000 miles from where I am now. I have 3 kids in elementary school. The oldest starts middle school next year. Both my wife and my parents are with in 150 miles or where I currently live.

They also offered that if I'd commit to 3 years, they'd ensure I had an opportunity to come back to the site i work from now at the same or higher salary.

Its a huge opportunity, but my wife and I are concerned about the impact on the kids. We both lived in the same town our entire childhoods, this is new for us.

If I take this job, how much does it cost my kids? Is it a net negative in their life? Is it worth it?