WTF am I still doing wrong?
Hey guys so I had a problem with blurryness in my pics (made another thread about it) and different people here on reddit told me to stop down, use faster shutter, dont focus & recompose.
So i did that in an recent shoot, still blurry as hell in so many pictures, and i was definitly not using the center focus point, but switched to the corner one on her face
Technical Details on Example: Canon EOS 60D Canom 50mm EF Lens F2,8 1/200s ISO 640
Can that still be motion blur/camera shake at that shutter speed? Or do i have to get my lens calibrated?
I cannot beliefe this is normal, yeah the 60D is kind of old but that quality is inacceptable to me. My phone takes better pics at that point. Please help im starting to hate taking photos because of this shit!