What do you do when you’re too restless to stay inside and do anything but too overstimulated to go outside and do anything?🫨🫠😂

Should I just hover in the doorway? /s 😂

…My ADHD and Autism are not cooperating with each other today. I have ADHD paralysis (and also just some anxiety I think) preventing me from doing my work at home, but when I think about going out to get some fresh air and maybe go to a cafe to energize myself, I can sense that I very well might have a mini-meltdown because my autistic sensitivities are heightened today (and I’m awaiting my time of the month). So here I am… being a cute lump. I’m hydrated, fed, bathed, moderately well rested, medicated, deep breathed up, stretched, caught up on fun entertainment, existing in a sufficiently clean house. Idk what else to try. 🙃🤗

(Like… I’m incredibly grateful to have such flexibility in my life… but I want to like… do something with it, you know?)