Just reminiscing…

One of the most messed up things my ex partner with BPD did was after the final time we broke up. I started seeing someone else who is my current partner now, and she would not stop harassing me. She’d turn up to my job, message me constantly, comment on my social media posts, etc etc. But the worst was after all those things didn’t work, she resorted to calling me at 3am crying, telling me that someone was following her through a park. She said she had blood all over her hands and when I asked her why she said she ‘didn’t know’. She was asking me to pick her up and this was followed up on the 9 minute call saying things like ‘what we had was so good’ and was essentially begging for us to get back together. I rang her boyfriend at the time and he said she’d gotten back and she was fine. She didn’t have blood on her hands. The entire thing was a lie. Why are they so crazy?