Why do they do this? Is it manipulation? Need advice please 🙏
My expwbpd reached out to me on Insta yesterday. It’s been almost a week no contact. I’m feeling great and working on my life and I really don’t need their energy in my life. The message appeared on my Home Screen last night and it was along the lines of asking me “If I’m having a difficult time?” …
Am I having a difficult time? HELL NO! I’m having the best time without the constant stress and abuse.
I didn’t reply, completely ignored it. She doesn’t even know I saw it because I only saw it from my Home Screen. Literally 2 minutes later…. She DELETED the message and it disappeared. This morning I wake up to “Expwpb sent a photo” … appearing on my home screen, two minutes later…. DELETED.
The final reply was a “Ok and the praying hands emoji” and…. Yep, deleted.
What is this scheme? Would you consider this a way of hovering? We BOTH agreed …that we have broken up. It was a mutual agreement. I made it clear to her that I don’t want her to contact me again. They don’t respect boundaries.
She seems to be the type that’s a bit malicious and I worry she’ll try to do something really rude if I block her so I just ignore.
What should I do guys? The old me would have replied and let her back in but not this time and never again.