Can I Feed My 7Month Old Three Meals a Day
My 7 month old loves food or well the idea of eating since most doesn't make it into his mouth lol. At around 4-5 months he became super interested in watch us eat. I held off till he was six months since that is the guidelines where we live. But now that he is eating it is sooo hard to eat in front of him. It's so sad that I now sneak food in a different room if we are not feeding him his meal.
I have moved to two small meals a day usually just a fruit in the morning or at lunch and then a veggie for supper when we eat but can I do three meals a day?
Most of the books and websites I read talk about working up to three meals with one meal for 6-7 months then two meals at 8 and three by the time they are 9 but can you give a baby three meals a day if it is not reducing their formula intake?
I know that formula or BM is considered priority but if it doesn't effect that can they eat more?