Which stand mixer do I choose?
Hello everyone! After several months of preparation, I'm finally going to open a Sunday baking stand right outside my home. I'm super excited and hope my neighbours will love it as much as I do. But there is one problem: my stand mixer isn't very trustworthy. I don't remember the brand, but it's not very well-known. I'm pretty sure it's all metal which made me think it was very durable, but it's been acting up for a while. Therefore, I'm looking for a new one. KitchenAid is the obvious choice, but I've been hearing mixed reviews about their more recent machines. It's also only 300 watt, so it might not be the best for bread dough or intensive use. I'm not sure if the fact that Kenwood mixers are plastic is what's putting me off, but I do love the scale-feature that it has. In my search I've also come across the Philips series 7000, which doesn't seem to be featured anywhere on Reddit. Does anyone have any experience with this machine and prefer it to a KitchenAid? All help is very welcome! Oh and, I'm from the Netherlands, so I cannot get every American brand here :)