Is Sarada actually in love with Boruto?
I know this ship is immensely popular and there is a high chance that it will become canon eventually. But my question, specially after the most recent chapter, is what evidence do we have for it in the story itself?
Out-of-universe factors are strongly favourable to Boru-Sara, but we know that Kishimoto personally prefers shy and nice girls like Hinata/Sumire and it's clear that he is trying to repeat tropes again in Boruto, making Sumire the explicit love interest.
In the manga, Sumire has explicitly confessed her love for Boruto three times, twice in front of Sarada. But what is interesting is that, despite intense fan speculation and hype, Sarada never gave the same indications, at least not explicitly. She is never jealous or bothered by Sumire's confessions and arguably appears puzzled when she is accused of being romantic to Boruto in the most recent chapter (Sumire is jealous that Sarada hugged Boruto, even though the gesture is very easily explainable as one of friendship).
So far, basically all displays of affection by Sarada towards Boruto are at least ambiguous. She obviously loves him as a friend, but there isn't too much to argue that she loves him romantically. In fact, the manga has already made her deny it. Obviously this can be a lie, but is there good reason to believe that?
Forget for a moment what you actually want to happen. What do you think WILL happen, regardless of how you feel about it? Do you believe Kishimoto is cooking NaruHina 2.0 or is this all a red flag and he will find a way to remove Sumire from the play eventually, thus leaving the path open for Sarada and Boruto to become a couple?