How likely is it that I have COPD?
Im 24 years old, I'm a little overweight and just recovered from a chest infection. When I was at the peak of my infection, I went to a pulmonary urgent care center and they did a chest X ray and what I believe is a PFT test. The doctor said I had bronchopneumonia, asthma, and was only breathing 66% of what I should. She said my right airway was obstructed and that the breathing % was probably a combination of asthma, the pneumonia and COPD. My blood pressure was also high, but the nurse said it was likely due to the congestion. But I have to come back in 90 days to do the PFT test again to see if I have COPD. I'm really scared, I haven't had any symptoms up until this point except some breathlessness during times of anxiety and panic attacks. I don't get tired or breathless when exercising. I smoked MJ from the time I was 17, even vaped a moderate amount but I gave up vaping over a year ago. I've only smoked flower since then, and not that much. How likely is it that I have this disease? I have no other conditions except apparently asthma. The doctor was also very nonchalant and unserious when telling me all this which sort of annoyed me. It was confusing. I'm scared shitless to be honest. Is it possible to live a long, non-miserable life with COPD?