Tata Indica ls 2012 second hand worth to buy?

This is tata indica ls diseal 2012 second hand at 70k price. One left rear view mirror is missing and right one is taped. Rubber padding of door is also cracking. A small size dent but visible. Rest condition is acceptable. Paper work is also fine, updated insurance also. Valid upto 2027. Everything is original as mentioned by owner, he didn't used it so much. Should I consider this at 60-65k?

This is tata indica ls diseal 2012 second hand at 70k price. One left rear view mirror is missing and right one is taped. Rubber padding of door is also cracking. A small size dent but visible. Rest condition is acceptable. Paper work is also fine, updated insurance also. Valid upto 2027. Everything is original as mentioned by owner, he didn't used it so much. Should I consider this at 60-65k?