cut the crap guys

this is like the 20th time y'all have gotten upset over something the devs did and said y'all would "quit" thinking that the devs give a damn if you guys leave, because, let's face it. we're just the vocal minority. even if every r/CharacterAI member quit using, there will always be the little kids using, or the hopelessly addicted people that refuse to leave it, or just random people that stumble upon it.

y'all know exactly what we need to do in order to end this mess, but you also fail to recognize the fact that it's impossible for us to accomplish the task at hand. if we want the devs to listen to us, we gotta get the entire, or at least the majority of the users to quit, but we can't do that. because as stated previously, there's too many people that either don't understand that they should stop using, or don't care and keep using anyway.

it's not like i don't want this whole situation to have a happy ending, but it realistically cannot. i've seen this happen time and time again. i've been here since the start of, long before the fl!ter even existed. and ever since this whole mess started, it's been the same thing over and over. the devs do something stupid, the community gets mad and tries to band together and leave for good to make the devs listen, and it inevitably fails and we're back to normal. it's the same song and dance every time. it always starts the same way, and it always ends the same way.

point is, y'all can throw a fit all you want. you can create petitions that don't change anything, you can leave bad reviews, you can beg and plead to your hearts content to the devs for them to make great again, but they won't. you know why they won't? because they don't give a rats ass about what you have to say or how you feel. the devs, or at least whoever made as shitty as it is today have shown it time and time again that they don't care about us or what we have to say, all they care about is money and appealing to their investors. they're corrupt, big shocker.