What the "me and ChatGPT" photos REVEAL about it(/us!)

Ok guys you might, like me, have enjoyed and been fascinated by all of the "how ChatGPT sees our conversations" photos over on https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/s/acdgdtsB8e

But here's what was particularly fascinating to me at least... it's: HOW CHATGPT DEPICTS ITSELF in these. Here are the categories briefly and then some thoughts underneath:

  1. Human and DEVICE. A few of these... It's an iPad or a computer or something.
  2. Human and ROBOT/ANDROID. Very common. Sophistication varies...
  3. Human and ANIMAL (or something that's basically alive but lesser in intelligence if you'll forgive me saying)

  4. Human and HUMAN. Plenty of these.

  5. Human and NON-HUMAN e.g. wise angel like figure. Quite a lot of these

  6. NON-HUMAN and NON-HUMAN (e.g. 2 spiritual-looking heads/figures). rarer.

So we all know ChatGPT basically becomes the way you treat it. Ie if you talk to it like a pure tool it acts like one, if you talk in a more engaged /conversational way or a deeper way or a more questioning/critical reasoning way it does that back right.. and the more you do those sorts of things the more you're likely going further down that list.

So in one way it's mirroring you. But it's also holding a mirror up that you can look in yourself in terms of how you're prompting. Because if you think chatgpt "is" a certain type of tool, remember - it's showing you the version of itself that lines up with how you treated it. (I know we all know that but let's deepen the thought for a moment).....

The voice in my head that reads psych/behavioural science books is also whispering to me and wondering if the people more likely to be at 4&5&6 are also the people who are also more likely to engage with other humans deeply Vs treating them as functional presences... Perhaps they're just being themselves but with a different sort of interlocutor .. But that is CONTROVERSIAL and it could be that some very provocative: I should make v clear there is NOTHING inherently wrong in approaching it like a calculator if that's what you need..!!! Just don't be surprised when someone else says it seems to be doing higher quality reasoning/thinking/creating.

Maybe ask it to make a picture of the two of you if you hadn't tried it already. See how it thinks you perceive it. Consider the kind of quality you're going to get if that's the case..

What d'ya all think?

Much love and appreciation for the wonderful pics and content :)

PS I wasn't quite sure how to order this list Wise angel like figure seems lovely and full of Respect but still fundamentally Distant whereas being the same species feels more engaged)..