Siren-like creature? (NOT A HARPY)

So I had the idea for a sea monster a bit like a siren (I know harpies exist but I'm thinking of the more modern 'mermaid-like' interpretation). It would live in the deep sections of a massive lake, travel in packs and lure people in by mimicking people calling for help-- from a distance they'd look like a person but as people get closer they'd be able to see that something's off.

As for mechanics, I'd say they may have some kind of charm ability to get people to follow, or to make them believe that the voice they're hearing is someone they care about. If the character can see the creature and is within a certain distance they'd have some resistance to it (or just not be affected) because they can see it's not a person. Their method of attack would be to lure boats close enough for them to grab people off (or just convince the sailors to jump) then try to pull them into the water and swarm them piranha-style.

My questions are:

  1. does a similar creature already exist? I know harpies fulfil the siren niche but like, something that's aquatic and tricks its prey into coming closer.
  2. if it does not, how would I go about building a stat block for it?