Failing a Havoc now makes everyone lose a charge
To make it fair, everyone who participates in a mission for Havoc will be eligible to be penalized upon failure (i.e. lose a charge), too.
I really think Fatshark should reconsider this. Playing high Havocs with Party Finder randoms will just be extremely toxic. Build policing will be even more obnoxious. No one will bring a lower Havoc level to a Havoc 40. God forbid you want to bring Charge or Vent Shriek instead of Chours / Bubble.
I haven't seen many ragequitters in Havoc but I bet it will be just as bad as Aurics if everyone loses a charge on mission failure - "Why should I stay if I'm going to lose a charge anyways??"
This has a decent chance to kill the mode (and party finder) entirely without LFGing in a discord.