The whole Daima storyline is non canon but Toyotaro will take the concept of super saiyan 4 into his manga new chapter and make Goku have some sort of power up for black frieza
We might see the possibilities of new concept and introduction of super saiyan 4 in Toyotaro manga for Goku or even Broly. This could also be the trump card for Goku to power up for facing Black Frieza
And we the fans always speculate that Broly ikari form is very similar to ssj4 in general. Maybe it's not just Goku who will attain this form but Broly will somehow mastered it too
Now the way they unlocked it in Super might be different compared to Daima since there's no Neva here. Maybe Whis will the one who somehow help them unlock the new form
In any case ssj4 was Toriyama last gift to the fandom. I doubt Toyotaro would just let go of Toriyama precious last concept so easily and also considering Toyotaro was the original author of Dragon ball AF which based on GT storyline there's no doubt that he'll add super saiyan 4 into Super
Edit: some people insist it's canon I wonder are all this people already watch the recent last episode 20 lol Goku said he trained for ssj 4 in Daima last episode and not just by magic transformation from neva. He should be able to transform into it very easily in battle of gods if daima is canon