New Mardu Commander revealed as back-up legend for Final Fantasy precon

For those of you who saw Terra, Herald of Hope and wondered why it wasn't Celes as the Mardu commander of the deck, well... turns out you're getting a Mardu Celes as well. It fits perfectly in line with the reanimator theme of the face commander, and seems to further suggest an "aggro reanimator" route for the upcoming Revival Trance precon.

What are your thoughts on Celes? What are the best creatures to be filtering in and out of graveyards to pop off with the +1/+1 counter ability? Seems like it promotes a sort of small-ball or go-wide reanimator strategy rather than the typical haymaker gameplay of Sultai-spectrum reanimator decks. Kind of like a modern-age Alesha (ignore that other modern-age Alesha from Foundations). Would you have rather seen Celes as the face commander and Terra as the backup?