Do you think OG Duals and Shock Lands belong in bracket 1/2 decks?

I had a baffling discussion with some people on this subreddit today about whether or not OG Duals and shock lands are appropriate for bracket 1 and 2 decks.

I thought the answer to this was obvious: no, these cards should not appear in these decks. Yet hundreds of downvotes later, I'm sat here extremely confused as to why people believe that "exhibition" decks and "average precon level" decks are absolutely fine to run such efficient mana bases.

I know that there are no explicit rules against running these lands, and Gavin has said that mana bases are not usually the make or break of a deck's power level, but I can't help but feel that these cards completely violate the whole idea of "intent" for these brackets.

For bracket 1 and 2 decks, I believe that their intent can be described as "suboptimal fun". That would mean you generally opt to choose lower powered cards instead of running the absolute optimal version of those cards, and in general this would also apply to the mana base.

Someone running OG duals or shock lands in a bracket 2 deck makes me raise an eyebrow. If the intent is for lower powered fun, then surely the manabase you are running should resemble that of the average precon. You'd generally expect to run some tapped lands and maybe a few scry lands. You would not expect to see lands that are able to produce multiple colours and come in untapped unless there's some sort of condition (not including paying 2 life which as we all know is free in EDH).

The number of people disagreeing with me has me believe that people really don't understand how weak the average precon is, which I think may cause problems for those intending to play bracket 2 decks at an LGS (like me). I'm going to be extremely skeptical if I sit down with some random people at an LGS, agree to play a bracket 2 deck and then see them shock out some lands or drop an OG dual, while I'm playing tapped lands that help bring my deck down to the power level of precon decks.

People were legitimately arguing the case that these lands aren't actually very powerful and they're essentially no different to precon lands. We all know this is wrong.

Firstly, tempo means a lot. Even in EDH, being able to tempo out is really powerful and puts you into a great position. Equally, missing a land drop early feels really bad.

Secondly, if these lands really aren't stronger than the precon lands, why defend their usage? Surely it would be no skin off your nose to run the $2 mana base of the average precon instead of those incredibly expensive cards, and reserve those cards for your bracket 3, 4 and 5 decks?

What do you guys think? Are OG duals and shocks appropriate at bracket 1 and 2? Would you raise an eyebrow if you saw a bracket 1 or 2 deck use these at the LGS?

God help those new players sitting down at the LGS with their precons facing these "bracket 2 decks" with OG duals and shock lands...