Should Foundations have had precons?

Just a thought I had, Foundations was great and had a lot of products, but I was wondering if maybe there was a missed opportunity. My introduction to EDH was a 20 dollar Starter precon, at the time the idea of spending 60 or more for a deck seemed outrageous. Since the goal of Foundations is to re-introduce people to the love of the game, would it have been nice to see some cheap precons?

Something really simple and back-to-basics. 5 single color tribals that each teach a simple concept. Red goblins that go wide, green beasts that ramp and play big trample-y monsters, white angels that teach you the power of keywords, black zombies that teach you about sacrificing life and creatures and playing from the grave, and blue wizards that teach about card draw and board control.

What are your thoughts? Would another baby's-first-precon be a good idea?