Mabel, Heir to Cragflame - Deck Help
Hi everyone,
I’m looking for feedback on my [[Mabel, Heir to Cragflame]] deck. It’s a mix of Voltron and Mice Tribal, but I feel like it’s not quite working, especially when it comes to protecting Mabel. I’d love to hear your thoughts on how I can improve it!
Background Information
- I started playing last year and am still learning the nuances of deckbuilding.
- This is my second non-precon deck, built entirely from scratch.
- My playgroup plays at a Bracket 3.75-4 power level.
- We don’t use proxies and don’t mind spending on expensive cards if needed.
- I know my mana base isn’t great yet, but I haven’t purchased the lands. I just wanted to lock in the land count on my Moxfield list first. Any tips on these are appreciated as well, but consider already that all important dual/legendary lands will be added.
Deck Concept & Struggles
- Main strategy:
- Voltron focus – I would like Mabel to become near unstoppable some times.
- Mice Tribal subtheme – This secondary goal is to power up with +1/+1 counters my mice as they get equipped or targeted.
- Body count matters – I don’t want Mabel to be too vulnerable to removal.
- Reliable ways to get out the artifacts.
- Biggest issue: Edict effects. One of the decks I face often runs a lot of these, and I feel like I don’t have enough protection.
- Inefficient protection – I don’t think my current list adequately protects Mabel, either through bodies or spells.
What I Need Help With
- How can I better protect Mabel from edict effects and removal?
- Should I be running more protective bodies, phase out spells or something else?
- Am I balancing Voltron and Tribal correctly, or should I lean harder into one?
- Are there staples or key interactions I’m missing?
This is my first time building a Boros deck, let alone a Voltron/Tribal hybrid, so I’m definitely a noob. I’m open to any and all criticism, and I don’t mind removing many cards or spending to upgrade, but Mabel has to stay as my commander.
Thanks in advance for your help!
And finally, here is the decklist: