Not SNOW, mycelium 🤔😳 they have been watching, DONT MISS THE CLUES. lol
You ever sit at a cafe and people watch ? Or day dream out a window ? When I do I get lost in thought, and what brings me back are visuals. Noticing a car off in the distance or a colorful coat. When I am not “distracted” by the task, it is easier to see. DEPTH IS A WO DEFFUL THING. And we may have not given enough credit to fromsoft. Unless you have spent a lot of time in empty boss rooms, there was no need to go notice stuff. Let’s me give you all some hmm ✨
Let me solo her’s wife boss room. There is an illusion, that a hole leads to light 💡 and thus the white, or that there is ❄️. LOOK AGAIN. It’s is a mycelium barrier between the earth and roots. Right where miquella wanted to interject his “influence”
At the H TREE, there is also another weird clue everyone misses the other deal, the deal between the mushrooms and the rot.
Ranni was aware but not to depths of the influence. One thing I can claim for sure, Ranni was not aware of the shadowlands untill her transformation. (There is proof of Ranni in the shadow lands … find it)
Sitting and reflecting on why certain people are where can tell us who they favored. Miquella ? 🤔🧘😳
I’m only pointing to this because these are the 2 emperyans being helped by the cult, that I know of. The rest is there.
~Lore Pinecone