Breastmilk going from fatty to skim while on a diet

These are from December January and February (top to bottom), you can see how fatty it used to be, and LO was gaining so much weight, but now she's barely gaining weight and spends most day nursing (I nurse throughout the day and pump when engorged or if she feeds from one side only), what can I do to make my milk fattier, and is there any way to lose weight without affecting the quality of milk, or should I just lose hope?

These are from December January and February (top to bottom), you can see how fatty it used to be, and LO was gaining so much weight, but now she's barely gaining weight and spends most day nursing (I nurse throughout the day and pump when engorged or if she feeds from one side only), what can I do to make my milk fattier, and is there any way to lose weight without affecting the quality of milk, or should I just lose hope?