Help needed: clogged ducts but milk won’t come out when pumping
Ok here's the situation: I'm four months pp and have been exclusively pumping. I started dropping from 8 ppd weeks ago, very slowly, knowing I was prone to clogs. I'm now at 4 ppd and trying to drop to 3, but it's been hell the past 36 hours. Now my bedtime and middle of the night pump (typically 20 mins each) are not producing much or any milk at all, yet I go into the pump session with very swollen/full breasts and clogs. And last night after my MOTN pump, I ended up leaking a bunch before the next pump. I'm icing my breasts several times a day after pumping, and tried cabbage leaves for about 20 mins twice today. The WORST of it is that the lymph node in my left arm pit is very very swollen (or it could be a clog but it feels too large to be a clog) and the lymph node on the right side of my neck is also extremely swollen and tender. I don't feel like I'm getting a cold. I've also been taking 600 mg ibuprofen every 6 hours. Here's hoping the pain, clogs, and swelling goes away soon.