Happy Update: Tortie Kitten
I posted over a month ago (about 5 weeks) about a tiny female baby kitten who I trapped and brought inside. Turns out she was about 5 months old and was 4 lbs when I brought her in. I nicknamed her “hissy-growly pants” because that’s literally all she did for 3 weeks. About a week and a half ago she decided she wanted to be loved 🥰 instead. Her name is Caraway (all my cats are spices). She is still in a room until she gets spayed because I have 4 large (very large 😂) male cats (all neutered). But she is accepting my 65 lb rescue dog so the male cats will be easy 🤭! Just wanted to share for a happy Friday post.
I also want to thank this group for all the amazing information I have learned from you all over the past 2 months of joining Reddit. What a resource you all are! So much collective knowledge, kindness and compassion to share with others ❤️🙏❤️.