About to lose my mind - yet ANOTHER Pumpkin non-update

Y'all, I'm about to lose my freaking mind over here! It's getting increasingly difficult not to scream or curse at the head vet when I call for an update on Pumpkin. I swear this woman is either enjoying the "challenge" of catching Pumpkin, or just really inept.

I just got off of the phone with her, and asked if she was ready to try trapping again. Once again, I told her what I've learned on here, as well as what the local TNR group suggested when I reached out (i.e. withholding food for 24 hours; disguising the trap(s) with a large bag, box, or sheet; lining the bottom/trip plate with newspaper or a piece of cardboard; and baiting the trap with something stinky like warm fried chicken, sardines, tuna, or canned mackerel). The woman literally waffeled on the idea of trying to trap again (Pumpkin's been free fed for over a WEEK now since the last time they tried trapping), reiterated her plan to try luring Pumpkin out of the attic into their break room using a ladder/stepstool, and then flat out said, "I honestly don't know" when I asked if she'd set up a trap on the floor in the break room. She seems weirdly set on trying a drop trap - of course, only after Pumpkin is reliably leaving the attic to eat in their break room at night.

You guys have no idea how much internal screaming and cussing I was doing during this conversation; it took everything I had to try gently pushing for her to try trapping again ASAP. Seriously, if it weren't for the fact I've been taking my six indoor cats to this practice for the last few years, I'd cut ties with them once Pumpkin is finally caught.