Honest Thoughts Hours: What are your feelings on…Fáfnir?
Fáfnir, for all of his issues in terms of execution, has surprisingly come out a bit better than most. He is an amazing dancer and has funny faces. Besides that, I really enjoy the concept feh tried to give him. Key word “tried”. Because a character with his level of intrigue is mostly dumbed down to evil possession for his runtime.
Fáfnir is somebody who the story should have treated a lot better. Let’s get this out of the way. The man came from a whole different universe, summoned here by Eitri. A different universe! How is that not insane?! For the most part, the story treads upon this fact like another event to move the plot and explain his origins/Eitri’s experiments. Fáfnir is one of the most sympathetic villains in the entire game, and I dare say the most. He took in Ótr and Reginn out of the goodness of his heart, becoming a family. He has the least amount of autonomy among the villains due to increasing insanity + the crown of Dvergr effectively being a trap to control him. It was a lose-lose situation from the get go. One of the saddest parts of his whole story is that his madness and obsession with opening gates comes from a desire to go home, but because he can’t remember it, his actions appear erratic. He was also forcibly taken away from his own family, a wife and daughter. A family he worked very hard to provide for by rising through the ranks from his original post as a lowly soldier. And he will never see them again! All because of an evil, long-lived dwarf and her weird science experiments. But what about his specific character? From what little we see, in both the end of his story and the NY alt, Fáfnir is a calm, rational man who genuinely loves his family, including the one he made Nidavellir. He was kind enough to rescue poor little orphans that would provide no immediate benefit. He’s actually smart if you think about it, being able to put together some of the pieces as to what he’s truly searching for despite the endless headaches and Eitri’s machinations messing with him. I think his character is…fine. It’s not groundbreaking, but it doesn’t need to be. Fáfnir was a simple man. He had a life that wasn’t out of the ordinary until things changed. I think his simple personality is suitable. But again, we needed more. The majority of the story has his character influenced by outside forces, so a lot of that screentime can’t effectively describe him. He just needed more.
Fáfnir’s design is sorta better than his siblings in my opinion. But there’s still the weird basic black bodysuit keeping him back, and I think his shoes being partially red is strange even if it is an existing accent in his sash and sword hilt. The puffiness of the arms is weird and makes me think of plush ottomans for some reason. The eyebrowlessness was…a choice. And not a good one. Like why? How could this be? Did stress make his eyebrows fall out? I wish his hair was better styled, the way it’s slicked back like that is so awkward looking and plain. Fáfnir looks fantastic with his hair down, judging by that steamy damage art of his NY alt. Also, he’s surprisingly ripped?? However, I think his cape is awesome, and the yellow works with him perfectly. His sash is very nice and I like how he has gold detailing in his outfit. I even think his creepy pale blue eyes are kinda cool, and I think it adds some subtle color to his appearance without bribing it down. I like Fafnir’s blond highlights and his super dark brown hair. It really makes his look more unique and eye catching. If only it was eyebrow catching too.
Fáfnir will get an 8.5. He’s actually pretty good on paper, and I enjoy what he was meant to be and some parts of his appearance. He gets extra points for being a damn good dancer and providing silly memes. But what brings him down is being possessed for so long with very little coverage of his true personality, and his some factors of his design being kinda bad. But overall he’s one of my favorites from book 5 and I would love it if he finally got another alt after all this time.
What are your thoughts on Fáfnir? Love him, hate him, neutral? Share what you really feel!
Fáfnir, for all of his issues in terms of execution, has surprisingly come out a bit better than most. He is an amazing dancer and has funny faces. Besides that, I really enjoy the concept feh tried to give him. Key word “tried”. Because a character with his level of intrigue is mostly dumbed down to evil possession for his runtime.
Fáfnir is somebody who the story should have treated a lot better. Let’s get this out of the way. The man came from a whole different universe, summoned here by Eitri. A different universe! How is that not insane?! For the most part, the story treads upon this fact like another event to move the plot and explain his origins/Eitri’s experiments. Fáfnir is one of the most sympathetic villains in the entire game, and I dare say the most. He took in Ótr and Reginn out of the goodness of his heart, becoming a family. He has the least amount of autonomy among the villains due to increasing insanity + the crown of Dvergr effectively being a trap to control him. It was a lose-lose situation from the get go. One of the saddest parts of his whole story is that his madness and obsession with opening gates comes from a desire to go home, but because he can’t remember it, his actions appear erratic. He was also forcibly taken away from his own family, a wife and daughter. A family he worked very hard to provide for by rising through the ranks from his original post as a lowly soldier. And he will never see them again! All because of an evil, long-lived dwarf and her weird science experiments. But what about his specific character? From what little we see, in both the end of his story and the NY alt, Fáfnir is a calm, rational man who genuinely loves his family, including the one he made Nidavellir. He was kind enough to rescue poor little orphans that would provide no immediate benefit. He’s actually smart if you think about it, being able to put together some of the pieces as to what he’s truly searching for despite the endless headaches and Eitri’s machinations messing with him. I think his character is…fine. It’s not groundbreaking, but it doesn’t need to be. Fáfnir was a simple man. He had a life that wasn’t out of the ordinary until things changed. I think his simple personality is suitable. But again, we needed more. The majority of the story has his character influenced by outside forces, so a lot of that screentime can’t effectively describe him. He just needed more.
Fáfnir’s design is sorta better than his siblings in my opinion. But there’s still the weird basic black bodysuit keeping him back, and I think his shoes being partially red is strange even if it is an existing accent in his sash and sword hilt. The puffiness of the arms is weird and makes me think of plush ottomans for some reason. The eyebrowlessness was…a choice. And not a good one. Like why? How could this be? Did stress make his eyebrows fall out? I wish his hair was better styled, the way it’s slicked back like that is so awkward looking and plain. Fáfnir looks fantastic with his hair down, judging by that steamy damage art of his NY alt. Also, he’s surprisingly ripped?? However, I think his cape is awesome, and the yellow works with him perfectly. His sash is very nice and I like how he has gold detailing in his outfit. I even think his creepy pale blue eyes are kinda cool, and I think it adds some subtle color to his appearance without bribing it down. I like Fafnir’s blond highlights and his super dark brown hair. It really makes his look more unique and eye catching. If only it was eyebrow catching too.
Fáfnir will get an 8.5. He’s actually pretty good on paper, and I enjoy what he was meant to be and some parts of his appearance. He gets extra points for being a damn good dancer and providing silly memes. But what brings him down is being possessed for so long with very little coverage of his true personality, and his some factors of his design being kinda bad. But overall he’s one of my favorites from book 5 and I would love it if he finally got another alt after all this time.
What are your thoughts on Fáfnir? Love him, hate him, neutral? Share what you really feel!