Gypsy's Fake Regret

I just can't even with this Gypshit. Apologizing in advance for the rambling, but here it is.

I've noticed that she's starting a "regrets" narrative. My prediction (and this is only my opinion and it is all "alleged"): First of all, I think she's being coached by a new PR team to try to salvage her image. She's going to try to find redemption with the public in her "alleged regrets" that she is just now able to process. I'm sure she'll say something like she was too scared to grieve in prison, and now since she's finally out and can "breathe" that everything is coming back to her and she's ashamed and devastated over what she did....AND that she was a different person back then, blah, blah, blah.

Since she needs a new stunt, I'm pretty sure she'll fake like she's going to take more accountability, but at the same time, lean MUCH harder into blaming Nick and Dee Dee. She will probably say that she was so caught up and manipulated by Nick (and will probably say she was afraid of him) that she allowed it to happen. "Oh, I never meant for it to actually happen, it was just fantasy/role-playing -- even buying the knife was just part of the game." And in the same vein, blame the victim for "pushing her" to the point that she lost it and felt like she had no choice. "I promise, I NEVER meant for it go this far. I loved my Mom so much." (ugh!!)

She will downplay her role in all of it, remind everyone that she served her time, and that she's a mother now and things have changed. She is going to beg for forgiveness from her mom (a video that will have lots of tears and dramatic pauses). She is going to beg for forgiveness from the public and from her daughter. She is going to try to book every single talk show/news show/streaming service so she can speak out about her regrets and grief. NONE of this will be sincere, and it will all be for views, clout, and the sympathy from kind, unknowing people who want to see the good in people, even someone like her. But over here, we will all know that she is full of shit.

I'm guessing she'll be finding Jesus pretty soon as well. But y'all...I better not see her wearing Dee Dee's cross.

Edited: For grammar/spelling correction