Google's solution to my green flickering screen
My Pixel 7 Pro is less than 3 months old, purchased through Google when I switched to Google Fi. About a week ago I started getting green flickering on the right side of my screen and it's only gotten worse. I turned off the Always on Display because it made the screen go nuts. It's at the point where I have to restart my phone sometimes just to get the unlock screen to appear. Anyway...
I contacted Google Fi support yesterday. I pay for the monthly insurance protection. Apparently there are no certified repair shops in my area, so their solution is to send me a replacement. I was provided two options:
1) Send my phone in and they'll send a replacement. This is free, but leaves me with no phone for days.
2) They send me a device first so I can transfer data over before wiping my phone and sending that back. This is also free, except when I order the replacement they will place an authorization hold on my bank account for the full price of the device ($899+tax = $973.17) until they receive my defective phone.
I called again today to ask if making an insurance claim vs warranty claim would give more options. I was told once again these are my only two options. Has anyone had better success getting support from Google with this?