Why does my handwriting look like my dad’s?

My family is always freaked out when they see my handwriting because they say it is so similar to my dad’s.

1) Do you agree? 2) If so, why would that be true?

I’ve attached two samples. The “ode to food” is a poem my dad wrote from jail as he was bemoaning the quality of the food 😆 The Bible verse and Lords Prayer are samples of mine written in 2023 and 2024 respectively.

I have no idea what information would be pertinent in getting a good answer, so here’s what else I have to offer: - we were both righties (he passed away). - I don’t take after him in almost any other way. He was a big guy, and I’m pretty petite. My personality follows my mom way more than my dad. - my dad was not involved in helping me learn to write or with any learning. - we were never really close - we were both musicians

Thanks for the insight!