I went from INFP to ENFP to INTP..

I took the Mbti test at first and got INFP.. I didn’t feel like an infp at all, but I left it. A few years later on I took the test again and got ENFP i related to more things, but I didn’t think i was an extrovert at all and other ENFP things didn’t align, then later on I TOOK it AGAIN and got INTP… I am a very very empathetic person and INTPs are.. not known for that.. Now I’m taking this entire thing with a grain of salt because tbh I think the Mbti test is a horoscope with slightly more sense to it, I mean it’s supposed to fit so many people in to 16 categories?! But anyway here are a few traits about me maybe you guys can help me figure out if I’m actually an “INTP”

-I’m an atheist (raised, and I never believed in god)

-strong sense of justice (not that I do much to stop injustice as I honestly don’t know what to do in situations when I see injustice, but it infuriates me

-strong empathy (as I mentioned before)

-introvert (main thing that stood out in the ENFP result, because I really doubt I’m extroverted)

-parents are: INTP, and ISFJ

-kinda awkward around a lot of friends, but I can have deep conversations when it’s one friend

-I can be “silly” (I think this is a trait not very common in INTPs) I like fooling around and messing with my friends

-I have been told often I am a good debater

Things I like: My friend group, family, my cat, Netflix, and chocolate (:

I honestly don’t know, but INTPs judge me, do I seem like one of you?