Bryan’s Hands

Ok, when I first saw this photo all I noticed was his hand - look at his hand in the selfie… First of all, the way he holds his hand as opposed to his stance looks awkward, like his hands are too swollen and sore for them to make a natural pose. Second, the thumb and index finger are HUGE compared to the rest of his hand - not unlike he did the exact thing with the exact type/size weapon that he is accused of. Lastly, his knuckles are swollen. It’s not looking good for Mr. Kohberger.

Ok, when I first saw this photo all I noticed was his hand - look at his hand in the selfie… First of all, the way he holds his hand as opposed to his stance looks awkward, like his hands are too swollen and sore for them to make a natural pose. Second, the thumb and index finger are HUGE compared to the rest of his hand - not unlike he did the exact thing with the exact type/size weapon that he is accused of. Lastly, his knuckles are swollen. It’s not looking good for Mr. Kohberger.