You can only pick 5
If you had only 5 albums to listen to for the REST OF YOUR LIFE. This isn't what you think the best 5 albums are. This is a scenario where you get to live on an island totally off the grid. You get deliveries of whatever food, drink's, (cigs, drugs, whatever your vice). You can bring your partner and kids if you have, but that's it. It's a mansion worth 25 million. You never have to worry about money ever,, but you only get a stereo that plays only CD's and a TV with only DVDs , now with that you get to choose 10 movies ( well answer that later, for now it's only about The 5 CS's you get to choose. So please keep that in mind when you choose, this is the only music you'll have for the rest of your life 🔇 thanks 👍 PLEASE SAVE YOUR 10 DVD CHOICES FOR THE NEXT Thanks, I'm looking forward to everyones picks.
1) White album 2) My Dark Beautiful Twisted Fantasy - By Ye ( the artist formally know as Kanye West 3) Billy Joel's greatest hit 4) Michael Jacksons Thriller 5) Wu-Tang Forever (double CD like Billy Joel's lol)