Is it really that serious?
Like I get everything people are saying but what can we really do? Just don’t hold Kendrick as an idol of sorts. We have literally no idea what his thought processes are or if he even thinks as far as what everyone is talking about, he may not even be considering much about the people he works with, for all we know he could just be working with them just to work, it’s only a couple of features and nothing else has been said. The best we can do is set good examples for the people around us but it’s kind of a waste to be arguing so much over a person that hasn’t said a single word outside of the music and the little interviews he does. For all I know right now is that Kendrick still has flaws and he may be doing stuff behind closed doors that we may never know about. He’s just an insanely good artist that cares a lot about the music. It’s not like we can’t do much to change them and tell them “oh don’t do that” because almost the entire industry does just the same, everyone is flawed so there’s really no point in arguing and nothing we can do except setting examples for those around us.