മനുഷ്യൻ മതങ്ങളെ സൃഷ്ട്ടിച്ചു [ Are there any recent songs like this? ]
Do you know other songs like this? Any recent ones?
With the talk about movies influencing violence, thinking about movies which are the opposite and considering പലയിടത്തും ഇപ്പോൾ നടക്കുന്ന കാര്യങ്ങൾ, thought about that aspect in movies too.
Thinking about movies, ഗുരു seems to be the a popular movie on the topic in Malayalam. ഹേ റാം another in Tamil/pan-Indian level.
Have read that the song is from a movie named അച്ഛനും ബാപ്പയും and that it talks about similar topics. Haven't seen it yet tho.
Are there other movies like this?
Especially recent ones?
What are your views on the topic?