Catastrophising for Feb Scores

My heart rate has not dropped below 90 BPM in the last six hours.

I had a 163 diagnostic, eight timed PTs at/over 170 out of 17 completed, and still can't help but vividly imagine a 150-something on my screen tomorrow morning.

Test day was fine, too, but it's like this recursive loop of "set your expectations low so that you won't be disappointed when you find out you actually bombed it, okay, now set them even lower". Like re-living test day and thinking "oh, the worst I could've gotten on that section was -6. Actually, maybe -7. Oh wait, that's my weakest section. Maybe -8." And then comparing that to past data and realising just how feasible it is for me to have performed below my diagnostic.

I don't have anxiety and I'm generally not an anxious person either but good LORD this is eating away at my sanity. I didn't feel anxious on testing day, either; waiting for scores is infinitely worse :(