I'm thinking of thinking of converting... But have some qualms
So I've had some experiences which have made me seek certain answers that seem to be leading me down this path. I hope to soon try to do a retreat to a religious order to have some time for contemplation and perhaps make a firmer decision.
My grandmother was a Catholic. My parents were without religion, but I grew up aware of the Catholic culture in Latin America (where my family is originally from).
However, I'm in the United States now. The Catholicism I see here, at least in popular culture, seems to me very tied to political conservativism, and at times almost feels more like the Jerry Falwell kind of Protestant Christianity than anything I understood from my childhood.
Some reasons I've been drawn to Catholicism, besides the familiarity with my grandmother and a spiritual kind of pull, is that I've come to admire a lot of the Catholic social teaching. I've also come to admire figures like Dorthy Day, Peter Maurin, and Simone Weil - as well as people like Alasdair MacIntyre and Latin American liberation theology.
I suppose I ought to stay away from the sub, but the main Catholicism sub is incredibly discouraging in this regard.
I fear to be met, not with brothers and sisters, but with hostility - or at the very least coldness. But I may perhaps want to join a church, because I feel the community of believers is an important part of the faith at large.
However, I feel like I need someone to just talk me down a bit. That sub, I'm sure, is an echo chamber that probably doesn't represent most normal Church-going people. Is that sub representative?