Student Advocacy? Worth Trying?

Hey everyone,omitting sensitive details where given of course, I am just wondering if any of you have ever used Student Advocacy before for a circumstance of yours for example a disapproved Withdrawal Without Penalty as they have with me despite medical evidence? How's the team? Are they as controversial as Student Wellbeing (according to the Google reviews).God Forbid, are they run by the same people?

I haven't used them the entire time I've been at the Uni but Student Wellbeing isn't what it used to be. My psychologist confirms as much as I met her through it a few years back during global lockdown and she confirmed my suspicions in 2023 about it declining in quality. Back when I used it during the COVID days there was a particularly nasty lady that seemed to have a few unpleasant incidents besides my own.

I fear the worst with Student Advocacy as a result and unlike with Student Wellbeing I had a friend at the time's own story of a supercilious worker to corroborate my story with.

Reckon it's worth dipping my toe in anyway or will my fears be confirmed and I'll walk away sorely disappointed?