Problem with manifestation and solutions : my musing

There are unlimited techniques out there and everyday a new spiritual master comes up with a new technique.

What most believe, if we follow the technique meticulously, we will manifest but it happens rarely. Then we get frustrated and jump to next technique. We all are looking for the magical key. That magical technique that would change everything like we see in online stories and videos.

I don't have anything against techniques. But it has to be playful. It's not a homework tha you do and teacher gives you an A. It's suppose to be child like. Playful. Curious. Engaging.

Many teachers say you need to have right feelings to manifest. Which is true. But then we try to generate it. Artificially. Works sometime, sometime not.

What if we make all these a child's play ? Instead of generating those feelings..... think, act and behave like it will be generated naturally. Words play a crucial role here. It has to hit home. It has to hit hard.

The magical key is YOU.

What do you think ?