To the cowardly anonymous neighbor trying to shame us...
Got this note in the mail anonymously. We bought our house in Marin after scraping and saving for 12 years of renting. We bought a fixer that had been occupied by an elderly woman who had let it go. It looked horrible- very overgrown. We have had to spent tens of thousands to fix it up.
I have done as much as I can myself to save money.
The house is too small for us but we want to be in a beterr school district for our kids benefit.
Admittedly, we haven't done a complete relandscaping outside because we have had to prioritize things like heat (our furnace broke when we moved in and we spent two winters using space heaters while we saved up to do new HVAC.
We have young kids to feed and therfore do not have tons of discretionary income to spend on things like extra landscaping and yardwork.
For the most part, all of our neighbors have been friendly so this is a bummer. Especially since our house looked like shit 3 years ago (it was in the same family for 50 years and an elderly lady had tons of deferred maintenance.). I wonder if they sent a note like this to that elderly woman shaming her to fix her yard while on a fixed income?
Got this note in the mail anonymously. We bought our house in Marin after scraping and saving for 12 years of renting. We bought a fixer that had been occupied by an elderly woman who had let it go. It looked horrible- very overgrown. We have had to spent tens of thousands to fix it up.
I have done as much as I can myself to save money.
The house is too small for us but we want to be in a beterr school district for our kids benefit.
Admittedly, we haven't done a complete relandscaping outside because we have had to prioritize things like heat (our furnace broke when we moved in and we spent two winters using space heaters while we saved up to do new HVAC.
We have young kids to feed and therfore do not have tons of discretionary income to spend on things like extra landscaping and yardwork.
For the most part, all of our neighbors have been friendly so this is a bummer. Especially since our house looked like shit 3 years ago (it was in the same family for 50 years and an elderly lady had tons of deferred maintenance.). I wonder if they sent a note like this to that elderly woman shaming her to fix her yard while on a fixed income?