SD Searching for SB in Louisiana (Open to Arkansas, Mississippi, Eastern Texas)
Clarification Notes:
- I have used reddit for a short time before for sugaring post, it's about what I expected - one giant circle of what might as well be Nyan Cats riding Golden Unicorns with the Spirit of Rick James blasting "What is love" whilst chasing Thomas the Dank Engine down the Back Rooms - this makes no sense right? Kinda how I feel about reddit but here I am for round 2 of using another platform to make a sugaring post.
- I am not interested in anyone out of the USA, and less interested in those in states that are not mentioned in the title of this post.
- If you're looking for the quick resolve to your needs via a quick bag grab I am definitely not a John so please respect that.
- This is an online to IRL type of post. If you are not interested in this type of scene then it's best to find someone else to engage with - also if you do not read my post - imma know.
Special Note:
It's Saturday, take a moment to pat yourself on the back we finally made it into the weekend. Enjoy life a little just remember to not drink and drive tonight.
For the sake of attempting to not make this a ted talk (I'm going to fail) if you are curious about me as a person just ask me in chat or private message, I am an open book if you know how to turn the pages. That said the quick notes are similar to this:
You may call me SC, I am younger than most but know what I want in life. I value giving the energy that is given to me onto the other party. I enjoy cooking as much as I do gaming, I occasionally volunteer to help others, and love disconnecting from the internet from time to time as tech is all I work with as a System & Network Engineer - I wear many hats. With that said, due to work taking a bulk of my time and knowing that I enjoy being a provider I have found a niche interest into BDSM & Sugaring. I will not do one with out the other. I take time with those I find interesting and am slow to trust.
All about what I am looking for and have to offer:
- CIS Female, age range 18 - 28. Preferably single but open to those in secure dynamics with knowing partners.
- Hygiene and Positivity - we all have struggles in life, I am all about being support for someone who is my support but I am not a professional therapist - I'm a professional nerd who sometimes is emotional support to clients over downed systems or networks. I need that positivity in my life!
- Body type preference - Slim / Petite, Average, and or Curvy.
- Switches - Switchtastic times are the best times but slaves, littles and submissives are nice too.
- Stimulation and Conversation - lets talk about life, politics, hobbies, anything and everything.
- Gamers - I'm still a nerd - come at me.
- Kinky Oranges - this better be included in your first message to me.
Dynamics I align with best:
- Equal Ownership
- Master to slave
- Daddy to little
- Owner to pet
I remember that this platform is particular with this bit so please ask if this confuses you - platforms I use:
- CA - primary
- KOFI - primary
- GP - secondary
- GC&WL - secondary
- Open to other platforms but not PP - this is for personal use only for me.
How an arrangement with me works:
I prefer to follow the collaring stages when entering into a dynamic with another party. I am a provider that enjoys giving care beyond the emotional, physical, and mental stimulation. For me this is a power exchange, something to work towards and enjoy for each step of the way. A blank canvas to turn into a work of art. If you are wanting that quick bag - please do not engage with me.
Goals & Requirements:
- Goal - Time Span consisting of 5 - 8 days.
- Goal - Exchange of the basics to get to know the other better, conversation on life and interest to see if mutual chemistry exist.
- Requirement - SFW Verification. This goes both ways, this will be by call or pic.
- Goal - 1 - 2 calls, SFW only. Furthering the point on if we have chemistry.
- If in Louisiana, the above will take place first. Broad day light public outings will take place with me covering everything.
- If we do not mesh it will end at this stage. Compensation will be provided for the time spent - this is for if we take the time to engage in conversation for more than an hour.
(If reaching this point - mutual chemistry has been established and we are looking to establish a true dynamic)
Goals & Expectations & Offering:
(Half up front and half in the end - why? Because I have been played too)
- Goal - Time consisting of 14 days. Offering - 200 - 400. (See this as a mini GFE)
- Expectation - The agreed upon dynamic will begin. (I will take on a Dominant role during this stage). RP's, instructional task, or calls is preferred to take place.
- Expectation - Consistent SFW & NSFW times are established between us.
- If in Louisiana the above will remain online with SFW public outings continuing to happen.
(If reaching this stage a true dynamic has been established)
Goals & Expectations & Offering:
(Offerings are up front from here on forward)
- Goal - time span consisting of 2 - 6 months. Offering 200 - 600. Biweekly. Gifts are provided through reaching your personal goals and or behaving.
- Expectation - A rule system is put in place, I will maintain a Dominant role at least in the start with Switching occurring (if you are a switch) after.
- Expectation - Regular NSFW and SFW events take place. Whether this is in state or out of state - regular events are expected to be in person at this stage - all is covered to make this happen.
- Goal - Reaching a point to provide a real training collar.
- Expectation - Sadistic Pineapples better be in your first message to me.
Congrats to us if we make it this far! We have decided we are going long term.
Goals & Expectations & Offering:
- Goal - Indefinite time span. Offering 600 - 1,000. Biweekly. Gifts are provided as a reward to reaching a personal goal or behaving.
- Goal - A true formal collar is introduced. Exploration of the scene both privately and at private events would be something I would be interested in pursuing.
- Expectation - More in depth scenes and rule systems are established between us.
- Goal - BDSM RP based Contracts are introduced. Yes I have one. Yes I have used it. Only once.
- Expectation - We remain consistent.
Final thoughts:
Dear Blue Butter Ball Baby Satan I hope I do not have to retype this. If we engage in conversation you will find that I am younger than you'd expect. My intentions however are true, with my experience in this scene being moderate at best. With that said I know what I am looking for.
If you need vouchers, I have them. Just ask. To clarify again however - if you are wanting this quick bag - please do not message me. This is power exchange for me, an add onto already established interest.
I understand this post will not suit most of you but I hope to find someone to engage with and I hope that you can appreciate the time & energy I placed into this post. Lastly, if you've made it this far please tell me the three songs that best describe 2023 for you in your first message to me.