Y'all know Arkveld gear has the Diversion skill right? It make the monster more likely to target you instead of your teammates...

Saying this because everyone seems happy to slap on end game gear, but not ready to be on a monster's sh** list.

It's a great skill for some weapons. If you're playing a countering weapon like Lance or Long Sword, or are running Evasion Mantle to get a damage boost from dodging, then its fantastic.

Its less fantastic for the Insect Glaive user that keeps getting knocked out of the sky, the bowgun players trying to maintain critical distance, and the person who only plays online and has never solo'd a monster and felt its full aggression.

So if you're wondering why the players in full end game gear keep carting in your sessions, it might be Diversion.

Personally, I'm loving it. As a Lance main I almost never play MH games online bc Lance needed to be the center of the monsters attention to do any damage. Diversion isn't a very effective aggro mechanic, but at least it's something.