How to Get Over Experiences You Missed During Birth
When my daughter was born I had my eyes closed for the final push, was still having pain, and by the time I opened my eyes they had taken her away to the NICU.
In the chart notes they say that they put her on my chest for skin to skin but I don't remember that and neither does my husband. It would make me so sad if she was laying on me and I didn't get to see her or hold her or feel her because I was focused on my own pain.
Even if not, I am still not over the fact that I didn't see her when she was first born before they took her away, and then her first week in the NICU she had so many things covering her I could hardly see her. We didn't get to meet each other until hours later.
She is home now and doing really well (sweet and super smiley!) but when I think back to the birth I still feel that twinge of sadness.
Does anyone else have a similar experience? How did you move past it?
I am so grateful and happy she is home and doing well now, that is the most important, but those feelings coexist with a sense of missing out on the birth experience that I imagine others have also felt.